Monday, November 29, 2010


Penerbit: Kalim, Indonesia
1) Al-Quran 2) Terjemahan Perkata 3) Tafsiran 4) Tajwid Kode Angka
5) Asbabun Nuzul 6) Quran Message Service 7) Index Juz 8) Index Tematik 9) Panduan Menghafal al-Quran Untuk Orang Awam)

Kulit Tebal : Hijau Tua sahaja
Saiz : A4 (21 x 29cm) , Berat : 1.3 kg , Mukasurat : 616 

HARGA : RM 110
(Termasuk Poslaju Semenanjung Malaysia)
(Tambah RM10 untuk Poslaju ke Sabah & Sarawak)

Sebuah Tafsir al-Quran yang memaparkan bukan sekadar terjemahan, tetapi mempersembahkan tafsiran bagi setiap patah perkataan al-Quran dengan dan 9 value added yang lain. Al-Qur’an tajwid dengan menggunakan kode angka, lebih mudah diingat dan aplikatif. Panduan kode angka tajwid pada setiap halaman. Tafsir per kata merujuk pada tafsir Al-Munir karya Syeikh Nawawi al-Bantani. Dilengkapi QMS (Qur’an Message Service); Pengetahuan dan wawasan singkat seputar alQur’an. Dilengkapi oleh Asbabun Nuzul; memudahkan untuk memahami maksud dan hikmah ayat Alqur’an. Indeks pinggir pada setiap juz dan Indeks tematik Alqur’an. Menggunakan khat (teks Arab) Alqur’an Madinah, dengan tanda baca yang disesuaikan dengan aturan Kementrian Agama. Halaman sesuai dengan standar Mushaf Ustmani (standar Timur Tengah); memudahkan untuk aktivitas tahfizh (hafalan). Bonus 3 pita warna pembatas halaman. Bonus suplemen cara menghafal Alqur’an buat orang awam. Menggunakan kertas khusus Alqur’an (QPP 50 gram); Warna krem yang tidak silau bagi mata sehingga membaca terasa lebih nyaman. Ukuran A4 (21 cm x 29 cm) sehinggga huruf Alqur’an dan terjemah lebih besar dan mudah dibaca.
Ulasan Ulama Dan Ahli Tafsir Berkenaan Tafsir Quran Perkata
"Ini akan membuat anda mengetahui makna dan tafsir setiap kata dari ayat Al Quran"
(Dr. Hidayat Nur Wahid, Ketua MPR RI)

"Tafsir Quran PerKata adalah cara cepat belajar memahami Al Quran"
(Dr. Ahzami Samiun Jazuli, Pensyarah Bidang Tafsir)

"Tafsir Quran Per Kata lebih dari sekadar terjemah Al Quran"
(KH. DR. Muslih Abdul Karim,  M.A. Dosen Institut Ilmu Al Quran)

"Tafsir Quran PerKata ini sangat membantu untuk memudahkan pemahaman Al-Quran yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap Muslim."
(Prof. DR. Ahmad Satori, Guru Besar Universitas Islam Negeri 'Syarif Hidayatullah' Ketua Umum Ikatan Da'i Indonesia (IKADI) ).

"Tafsir Quran PerKata merupakan kontribusi ilmiah terhadap al-Quran dengan merujuk kepada referensi yang mu'tabar (diakui). Sebuah tafsir yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap muslim yang ingin merasakan kelazatan membaca Al-Quran."
(Ustaz Ahmad Kusyairi Suhail, M.A. Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ushuluddin Darul Hikmah).

"Baru pertama kali ini saya menemukan tafsir yang sangat mudah dan baik terutama bagi pemula dalam memahami al-Quran. Tafsir ini sungguh sangat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang tidak paham bahasa Arab dalam memahami maksud kata per kata dari ayat-ayat Al-Quran."
(Dr. Amir Faishol Fath, M.A. Doktor bidang Tafsir dari International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Cara membuat pesanan Tafsir ini
Langkah 1 : Sila lakukan pembayaran RM110 (atau RM 120 Sabah/Sarawak) ke salah satu akaun yang dinyatakan dibawah.  

No. Akaun
Pemilik Akaun
Wan hayati
Bank Islam
Wan hayati

Langkah 2 : SMS ke +6010-926 6926 dengan menyatakan: -

Perkata, Nama,  Alamat Pos anda, Bank in mana, tarikh / masa bank in.
Kami akan menyemak wang tersebut dan membuat penghantaran dalam tempoh 48 jam (tidak termasuk sabtu ahad). Penghantaran ke semua di negeri di semenanjung Malaysia mengambil masa 3 ke 5 hari bekerja dan penghantaran mel udara ke Sabah Sarawak mengambil masa 7 ke 10 hari bekerja.
Tel : +6010-9266926 (Hayat)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Asma Allah - sami yusuf

Raheem, Kareemun, ‘Adheem, ‘Aleemun,
Haleem, Hakeemun, Mateen
(Merciful, Generous, Incomparably Great, All-Knowing
Forbearing, Wise, Firm)

Mannaan, Rahmaanun, Fattaah, Ghaffaarun
Tawwaab, Razzaaqun, Shaheed
(Bestower of blessings, Most Compassionate, Opener, Forgiver
Accepter of Repentance, Provider, Witness)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad
Ya Muslimeen sallou ‘alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Family of Muhammad
O Muslims, send salutations upon him)
Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu’mineen sallou ‘alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Companions of Muhammad
O believers, send salutations upon him)

Lateef, Khabeerun, Samee’, Baseerun
Jaleel, Raqeebun, Mujeeb
(Gentle, All-Aware, All-Hearing, All-Seeing
Majestic, Watchful, Responsive)

Ghafur, Shakourun, Wadud, Qayyumun
Ra’uf, Saburun, Majeed
(Forgiving, Appreciative, Loving, Self-Existing by Whom all subsist
Most Kind, Patient, Most Glorious)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa aali Muhammad
Ya Muslimeen sallou ‘alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Family of Muhammad
O Muslims, send salutations upon him)

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad, wa sahbi Muhammad
Ya Mu’mineen sallou ‘alayh
(O my Lord send salutations upon Muhammad
And upon the Companions of Muhammad
O believers, send salutations upon him)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
La Ilaaha Illahu, Al Malikul Quddoos
(God is Greater, God is Greater
There is no god but Him, the King, the Most Holy)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Rahmanu irham dha’fana
(O Most Compassionate! Have compassion on our weakness)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Ghaffaaru ighfir thunoubana
(O Forgiver! Forgive our sins)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Sattaaru ostour ‘ouyoubana
(O Concealer! Conceal our defects)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Mu’izzu a’izza ummatana
(O Bestower of honour! Bestow honour on our Ummah)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Mujeebu ajib du’aa’ana
(O Responsive One! Answer our prayers)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar,
Ya Lateefu oltof binaa (x3)
(O Gentle One! Show gentleness to us)

Oltof binaa
(Show gentleness to us)

Asma Allah Information:
Artist: Sami Yusuf
Album: Without You
Year: 2009
Lyrics: Bara Kherigi
Melody: Sami Yusuf

Your Beauty - robertson hamza ft sami yusuf

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling
Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening (x2)

Ya Mawlay, ya Mawlay Salli ‘ala Taha (x2)
husnu Ahmadal Bashir
Akhjalal badral munir
Oh my Lord, Send your peace and blessings on Taha (one of the prophet’s names)
The beauty of Ahmad the portent
Ashamed the illuminative full moon

Will I be from those
You welcome with a smile
As you call your nation
Come to my side

Or will I see you frown
And then turn away
I did let you down
I forgot this Day

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening


Ya Habiba Allah
Ya Safiyya Allah
‘Alayka Salatu Allah
Wa Salamu Allah
Oh you the one who Allah loves
Oh you the one who Allah chose
May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon you

Your smile is so bright
It lits up the dark night
Brought mercy and light
To my waiting heart

I know that I’m weak
Of my sins I can’t speak
Your mercy I seek
Though I’m not worthy

What I’d give to see your face
Beaming with so much grace

Brighter than the sun
Fairer than the moon
Your beauty is so dazzling

Bigger than the sea
Higher than the clouds
Your soul is so enlightening


Nasheed Information:
Singers: Hamza Robertson & Sami Yusuf
Album: Something About Life

In Every Tear He Is There - sami yusuf

Some might say this world today shows
God’s left us to our mistakes oh
He has never been
So far away
Some might say
How could any father stand
See his children across many lands
Suffer so and give no helping hand
No helping hand

Somewhere tonight
Far away and out of sight
There’s a child that’s too weak to cry
Deep in those eyes
Can’t you see him in disguise
Reaching out to the heart that’s in you
And I

In every tear
That is where
He is there

He’s the hand that wipes that brow
He’s the tear that trickles down
Upon the face that cries without a sound
We need you now
What a simple choice to make
Between what you give and what you take
When what you give
Such precious life could save, life could save

Somewhere inside
There’s a part of you that asks why
Would he leave so many so far behind
And deep in those eyes
Can’t you see Him in disguise
Reaching out to the heart that’s in you
And I…

Words: Conner Reeves
Music: Sami Yusuf
Produced by Sami Yusuf

Healing - Sami Yusuf

It’s so hard to explain
قد يصعب عليّ أن أعبر
What I’m feeling
عمّا يختلج في قلبي
But I guess it’s ok
لكن اعتقادي
Cause I’ll keep believing
ينبع من إيماني
There’s something deep inside
هناك شيء في الأعماق
Something that’s calling
It’s calling you and I
يناديني ويناديك
It’s taking us up high
يرتقي بنا إلى الأعلى
الشفاء … قد يتجسّد في عمل بسيط لطيف
Healing, a simple act of kindness brings such meaning
A smile can change a life let’s start believing
بسمة قد تغير حياة الإنسان
And feeling, let’s start healing
فلنبدأ بعمل يكون فيه شفاء

Heal and you will be healed
شفاء بشفاء .. ومع كل شفاء شفاء
Break every border
اكسر القيود والحدود
Give and you will receive
اعط تُعطى .. فالعطاء يوجب عطاء
It’s Nature’s order
نظام كوني رباني
There is a hidden force
هناك قوى خفية
Pulling us closer
تجذب بعضنا لبعض
It’s pulling you and I
تجذبني أنا وأنت
It’s pulling us up high
تجذبنا للأعلى
Healing, a simple act of kindness brings such meaning
الشفاء … قد يتجسّد في عمل بسيط لطيف
A Smile can change a life let’s start believing
بسمة قد تغير حياة الإنسان
And feeling, let’s start healing
فلنبدأ بعمل يكون فيه شفاء
Hearts in the hand of another heart and in God’s hand are all hearts
قلب بين يدي قلب و بيد الله كل قلب
An eye takes care of another eye and from God’s eye nothing hides
عين ترعى عينا .. وعين الله ترعى، و لا شيء عنه يخفى
Seek only to give and you’ll receive
إسع نحوالعطاء… و ستلقى و تعطى
So, heal and you will be healed
إشف.. و سوف تشفى
OUTRO (x2):
قلب بين يدي قلب و بيد الله كل قلب
عين ترعى عينا، وعين الله ترعى
كلمة طيبة صدقة
تبسمك لأخيك صدقه
كل معروف صدقة
اللهم اشف شفاءً لا يغادر سقماً
Song Name: “Healing”
Written and Produced: Sami Yusuf
Lyrics co-written: Dr. Walid Fataihi
Mixed and Mastered at Andante Studios
Also, have a look at Brother Sami Yusuf page. Enjoy!

Without You Lyrics

Softly you called to me
Across the space between
Across eternity
Where love winds a path unseen
Out of the wilderness
You beckoned my every step
I stumbled sometimes and yet
I never once looked back
‘Cos I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
No I don’t know
Where I would go
What I would do
Without You
Without You
Without You
Like a heart between beats
I would feel nothing you see
If you took your love from me
I don’t know what more would life mean?
I’d use my final breath
To call out your name and let
That breath upon the breeze
Rise like a kiss to thee
So you might see
Just what your love has meant to me
And what the cost of losing you would be
No I don’t know
Where I would go
What I would do
Without You
Without You
Without You
‘Cos I would see
The man I know I used to be
How I was lost before you reached for me
No I don’t know
Where I would go
What I would do
Without You
Without You
Without You

Lyrics Information:

Artist: Sami Yusuf
Album: Without You
Year: 2009
Lyrics: Conner Reeves
Melody: Sami Yusuf
Copyright: Awakening Worldwide Limited

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Susu Kambing Mudah Hadam
Susu kambing mempunyai molekul protin dan lemak yang sangat halus, lembut, serta mudah hadam berbanding susu lembu. Ianya sangat baik untuk diet bayi dan juga orang dewasa yang mempunyai masalah penghadaman. Disebabkan zarahnya yang halus serta sifatnya yang menyah acid, maka sangat sesuai digunakan bagi rawatan ulcer dan gastrik
Alahan Laktosa
Sifat susu kambing yang mudah hadam membolehkan laktosa melalui usus dengan mudah Susu kambing mempunyai kandung laktosa 7% lebih rendah berbanding susu lembu. Ianya sangat baik untuk kanak-kanak yang cirit birit dan alahan kepada susu lembu dan susu tepung.
Susu Kambing Bersifat Alkali
Ianya mempunyai kandungan pH beralkali. Maka ianya tidak menjana acid dalam darah atau usus. Ianya bertindak meneutralkan acid dalam badan. Kandungan acid berlebihan dalam badan menyebabkan kepada penyakit sakit kepala, sakit badan dan otot, penurunan berat badan, kandungan gula dalam badan yang tidak seimbang, keletihan dan tekanan darah tinggi.
Susu Kambing Mengandungi Acid Lemak Yang Baik
Susu kambing mengandungi asid lemak baik (asid kaprik dan kaprilik) yang mencegah kesan jangkitan kulat. Asid ini juga membantu sistem pertahanan badan dan meningkatkan tenaga manusia.
Susu Kambing Tidak Membentuk Lendir
Susu kambing tidak membentuk lender sebagaimana susu lembu dan tiada menimbulkan alahan kepada manusia.
Susu Kambing Kaya Dengan Mineral Selenium
Kandungan Mineral Selenium yang kaya dalam susu kambing bertindak sebagai bahan bagi membantu sistem ketahanan sel badan manusia dan bahan anti oksida. Selain itu ianya melawan virus secara semulajadi dan mencegahnya dari membiak.
Susu Kambing Kaya Bahan Bioorganic Sodium
Susu kambing didapati mengandungi Kandungan Bioorganic Sodium yang tinggi. Bioorganic Sodium dikenali dalam rawatan naturopathic sebagai elemen anti penuaan. Bioorganic Sodium didapati mengurangkan masalah Rheumatoid Arthritis (inflamasi sendi).
Susu Kambing – Keajaiban Untuk Kebaikan Kesihatan
Susu kambing secara semulajadi mencegah pembiakan organism yang merbahaya dlm badan manusia sekaligus menjadikan kita sihat. Kandungan potassium dan kalsium yang tinggi dalam susu kambing serta kandungan sodium yang rendah dlm susu kambing sangat penting bagi membentuk tekanan darah yang normal dan mengawal fungsi hati yang normal. Susu kambing mengandungi bahan riboflavin untuk tenaga dan juga boleh merawat simpton penyakit lelah, eczema, colic, insomnia dan demam kuning. Kandungan silicon dan fluorine yang tinggi dalam susu kambing dapat mencegah penyakit diabetes (kencing manis). Susu kambing juga mengandungi factor anti barah


Susu Kambing HiGOAT

HiGOAT Instant Goat's Milk Powder (15 sachet x 21gm)
Minuman susu kambing yang enak tanpa bau kambing. Penuh dengan khasiat, protein enzim dan mineral yang penting untuk kesihatan tubuh.
A delicious, tasty goat's milk drink no goaty taste. Packed with proteins, enzymes and minerals that's vital for health wellbeing. WM : RM36.60 EM : RM41.60

Pil Susu Kambing HR
HR Goat's Milk Tablets (50 pills)

Sebagai makanan tambahan, Amat baik untuk pembentukan tulang, mencegah ulser perut dan gastrik.
Dalam tiga perisa lazat: Biasa, Strawberi dan coklat.
To be taken as food supplement. Good for healthy bones, prevent ulcers and gastritis.
In three delicious flavours: Natural, Strawbery an Chocolate.
HSF601 (1-4)   WM : RM22.00   EM : RM27.00

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Veil

(From the Sound Vision documentary Hijab: An Act of Faith)

They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,
"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.

This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.
These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn’t you agree?"

This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.

They tell her, "Girl, don’t you know this is the West and you are free?
You don’t need to be oppressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,
"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles,

with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns they are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."

This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity.

Baby, it's all good! - A modern hijab poem

Author unknown

What do you see when you look at me
Do you see someone limited, or someone free
All some people can do is just look and stare
Simply because they can't see my hair
Others think I am controlled and uneducated
They think that I am limited and un-liberated
They are so thankful that they are not me
Because they would like to remain 'free'

Well free isn't exactly the word I would've used
Describing women who are cheated on and abused
They think that I do not have opinions or voice
They think that being hooded isn't my choice
They think that the hood makes me look caged
That my husband or dad are totally outraged
All they can do is look at me in fear
And in my eye there is a tear

Not because I have been stared at or made fun of
But because people are ignoring the One up above
On the day of judgment they will be the fools
Because they were too ashamed to play by their own rules
Maybe the guys won't think I am a cutie
But at least I am filled with more inner beauty
See I have declined from being a guy's toy
Because I won't let myself be controlled by a boy

Real men are able to appreciate my mind
And aren't busy looking at my behind
Hooded girls are the ones really helping the Muslim cause
The role that we play definitely deserves applause
I will be recognized because I am smart and bright
And because some people are inspired by my sight
The smart ones are attracted by my tranquility
In the back of their mind they wish they were me

We have the strength to do what we think is right
Even if it means putting up a life long fight
You see we are not controlled by a mini skirt and tight shirt
We are given only respect, and never treated like dirt
So you see, we are the ones that are free and liberated
We are not the ones that are sexually terrorized and violated
We are the ones that are free and pure
We're free of STD's that have no cure

So when people ask you how you feel about the hood
Just sum it up by saying, 'Baby its all good'

Far More Precious Than Diamonds and Pearls:

The following incident took place when Muhammad Ali's daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were not modest. Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:

When we finally arrived, the chauffer escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father's suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day.

My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground,covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them."

He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too."